- Moving From iOS To Server-Side Swift
December 11, 2016
My name is Taylor and since 2013 I have been working heads down in Swift iOS development. I did a lot of fun work in that time, made some great UIs, coded some cool features, but I felt it was time to expand my skills. Luckily, Apple open-sourced the Swift programming language around a year ago from today. With that news and almost immediate work being done with Swift on the server, I was provided a unique opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, but still get to visit often. Thus, I switched gears in March 2016 and began focusing on Swift server-side app development, here is how it went.
- The Default Memberwise Initializers Headache
July 10, 2016
I ran into a problem recently on a Swift server-side project that uses Kitura. The problem though, can happen to anyone using Swift in a project. I was using an external framework that was imported through the Swift Package Manager. In attempting to use it, I tried to use a certain class, lets call it Bulbasaur, and I would continually get the following error:
- Types of Swift Error Handling
March 8, 2016
I recently did an informal presentation on error handling in Swift to inform others on the variety of options we have with Swift. I used an Xcode playground to present this topic and it ended up surprising all of us with how many interesting features playgrounds have. That playground can be downloaded here or you can just read this post for info (be sure to check out the playground fun at the bottom).
- My NSHipster Reader Submission
January 8, 2016
Recently I was inspired to submit my 2 cents to NSHipster for Swift tips that helped me in 2015. I decided to submit something simple, but useful about the where clause in Swift 2. So I submitted my post on this gist a few weeks ago and wouldn’t you know, I made it in the official New Years 2016 NSHipster post. I started reading NSHipster back in 2013 when I started iOS development so it is an honor to be mentioned in their blog. I look forward to the next opportunity to contribute to the iOS community!
- Top 9 Storyboard Mistakes in Xcode
December 13, 2015
I know there are many who live and die by programmatic iOS development, but for those who use storyboard or are willing to try, here are some tips on what I’ve learned. What I’ve seen in watching people try to learn storyboard and auto-layout, is that there are many nuances that seem obvious to me, having used storyboards for awhile now.
- Best features in Xcode UI Testing
June 20, 2015
It’s that time of year again where iOS technology upgrade announcements are happening. In this post, I wanted to talk about UI Testing in Xcode 7. This new feature was introduced at WWDC 2015 as a great asset to the slowly improving testing capabilities in Xcode. Rather than give you a step-by-step tutorial, this time I just want to explain the best features in Xcode UI testing that should make you take notice.
- iOS Tutorial: Developing with 240 FPS
January 20, 2015
I think every person with an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus has enjoyed the slo-mo feature that comes with their device. Why, you say? Because you can make videos of basketball tricks, that you can somehow still do after all these years, like this one of me, or maybe capture a majestic pour of beer!
- Swift Playgrounds Makes Programming More Approachable
December 30, 2014
Judging from all the articles and Github repos related to Swift, I would say adoption rates of Swift are going pretty well. Almost as if the Apple developer community was ready for something new. Things have been going so well that only 3 months after Swift’s announcement, Apple mentioned that many universities have incorporated it into their programming classes. This fact is especially interesting, considering so many schools still primarily teach C++ and Java, which are well aged languages at this point. If you are curious what schools have taken the plunge with Swift, check out this list, taken directly from apple’s website:
- Developing for the iPhone Barometer
November 17, 2014
We heard that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were shipped with barometers inside of them, but we really haven’t heard much about them. I will go through a rather quick tutorial on how to access the barometer with the current API available to developers.
- Memory Management in Objective-C and Swift
November 12, 2014
Have you ever been stuck on a memory issue in your iOS app for days? To be honest, I have, but I learned a lot from it. In fact, I wrote a pretty detailed article about avoiding that on the IBM Developer Works website. Unfortunately, you can still run into memory issues with Swift and ARC, but they don’t have to kill your productivity. The article was published a few days ago so I encourage you to check it out. The article is titled 7 Foolproof Tips for iOS memory management in Swift and Objective-C and includes a tutorial on using Xcode 6 Instruments.
- 5 Subtle Features in iOS 8
October 27, 2014
You’ve probably seen lists like this before, but I hope to go even further in small details. I want to mention hidden user experience features I have found very useful. There have not been too many visual changes in iOS 8, but I feel anyone who appreciates great design, will appreciate the detail Apple put into some of these iOS 8 features.
- How the iPad Air 2 and OS X Yosemite Help Developers
October 17, 2014
When watching Apple’s October 16th live stream today, the biggest thing I noticed was that their live stream was actually working pretty well!
- Open Source Fusion: CRPixellatedView & MGSpotyViewController
October 11, 2014
Sometimes I like to experiment with ideas I have, but these ideas are not quite big enough for an open source project, much less a full app. Therefore, I hope to have a series of posts called, Open Source Fusion, where I combine at least 2 open source projects to create something cool, interesting, or weird.
- Anyone can open source software
September 27, 2014
Even I can open source software, as my title suggests. I recently open sourced a reusable iOS loading view in Swift, called TiltingLoader.
- What iPhone 6 screen size means for developers
September 9, 2014
How is it with the new iPhone 6 that my app, created for iOS 7, still works well in iOS 8 on an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?!
- Xcode 6 Beta 4: Swift has access controls
July 21, 2014
Only 2 weeks after the previous beta release, we get the next iteration of Xcode and iOS. Here are some key features:
- Imports in Swift
July 20, 2014
One of greatest features of convenience that Apple released in the Swift programming language was deleting the necessity to import user created files.
- WriteDraw is on the App Store
March 15, 2014
So I began working on this app called WriteDraw at the end of January based on inspiration from my wife and my friends. I have been developing iOS apps almost a year now, so I wasn’t sure I could do everything I wanted to for the app. But I stopped thinking like that and ended up accomplishing everything I wanted…for version 1.0.
- Native Sharing on iOS 7
March 6, 2014
In researching the topic of using the native sharing dialogs in iOS 7, I found it surprisingly difficult. I got tons of information on the Facebook and Twitter development sites, but it was overkill for my needs. I realized that after adding the Facebook SDK to my iOS project… I also got info from a user perspective on the feature itself and lastly I read Stackoverflow answers on kinda doing it with FBDialogs in the Facebook SDK. Anyway, here is a little code snippet of how you can use the native sharing dialogs for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (OS X only), and even Weibo.
- Odd Translucent Navigation Bar Side Affect
February 5, 2014
Yesterday I was working on my Objective-C iOS app that has a navigationBar with leftBarButton and rightBarButton as well as a custom TitleView. I noticed a weird side affect when setting the translucent property on the navigationBar like so:
You see, the rest of my view is a drawing context made with the CoreGraphics framework. When the translucent property is set to YES, everything works fine, but when it is set to NO, the drawing board goes crazy as you can see in the the picture on the left when it should be like the picture on the right which has the translucent property set to YES.
- Multiple Taps on UICollectionView Cells
January 30, 2014
I have been working on an iOS app at work for a few months now and it is coming close to completion.